Fall 2024 President’s List
In recognition of outstanding scholastic achievement, the following undergraduate students were placed on the President’s List for the Fall 2024 semester. To be eligible for the President’s List, students had to complete at least 8 credit hours at Cox College and earn a 3.50 GPA or greater. Congratulations from the staff and faculty of Cox College!
Hannah | Aalbers |
Kristen | Abramovitz |
Xiaoming | Ai |
Maryssa | Ainsworth |
Megan | Alagna |
Kennedee | Anderson |
Veronica | Alirez |
Samantha | Allen |
Sarah | Allen |
Michael | Alsbury-Huntley |
Hannah | Amelung |
Samantha | Anderson |
Vanessa | Atwell |
Jaden | Baker |
Tyler | Barton |
Brookelynn | Bass |
Shelly | Bassham |
Paige | Bauer |
Andrlynn | Beam |
Courtney | Biber |
Kasandra | Bilyeu |
Anna | Blankenau |
Erin | Booker | Marin | Borgren |
Stacee | Bowers |
Natili | Brenton |
Emily | Brosnahan |
Hailey | Brosnahan |
Kaytin | Brown |
Cassidy | Brueggemann |
Jessica | Buck |
Korrie | Buckman |
Lauren | Burch |
Logan | Burt |
Grace | Butler |
Caitlin | Calhoun |
Ava | Campbell |
Brianna | Cantrell |
Hannah | Carney |
Carole | Carr |
Blake | Carroll |
Emma | Case |
Kiley | Cashman |
Rachel | Chaney |
Emilee | Chitwood |
Bailey | Clark |
Ellyana | Clause |
Kelly | Clever |
Samantha | Coats |
Riley | Conz |
Jillian | Cortese |
Riley | Cox |
Trinity | Craig |
Breauna | Crawford |
Amy | Crespo |
Madison | Crouch |
Melanie | Cruz |
Emma | Curry |
Danielle | Cutbirth |
Lauren | Dahle |
Cindy | Dandurand |
Savannah | Daniels |
Felicia | Daniels |
Lauren | Davis |
Brianna | Devine |
Abigail | Dill |
McKenzie | Dodson |
Tessa | Edwards |
Matthew | Engert |
Mandy | Fearday |
Sydney | Ferguson |
Michaela | Fernelius |
Morgan | Flesch |
Jeffrey | Ford |
Rachelle | Foster |
Christopher | Franklin |
Kylee | Fredrickson |
Kathrine | Friend |
Brooke | Gallo |
Grace | Gasek |
Adie | Gateley |
Fiona | Giddens |
Rachel | Gill |
Emma | Gloe |
Neely | Gobel |
Emilee | Goddard |
Abigail | Good |
Judy | Good |
Lauren | Gray |
Peyton | Griesenauer |
Megan | Gutierrez |
Raspberry | Haag |
Grace | Hampton |
Iyanna | Hampton |
Kianne | Harpool |
Tara | Harris |
Amanda | Harris |
Savannah | Harrison |
Abigail | Hatfield |
Heidi | Heinlein |
Lesly | Hernandez |
Shayla | Herold |
Reese | Hertel |
Haley | Hoch |
Aubree | Hoffman |
Trinity | Hofstetter |
Cameron | Holcomb |
Kalie | Horn |
Daniel | Hurst |
Madison | Inman |
Anastasiia | Ivaniuc |
Rebecca | Jeffryes |
Paige | Jennings |
Katlyn | Johnson |
Robert | Johnson |
Jaedyn | Johnson |
Noah | Johnson |
Emalee | Joice |
Jessica | Josephsen |
Daniela | Jumawan |
Derek | Justice |
Alexis | Kaffenberger |
Kelly | Kaiser |
Courtney | Kaufman |
Laura | Kerschen |
Samantha | Keyes/td> |
Jessica | King |
Justin | Koderhandt |
Liliya | Kozak |
Marylyn | Kristiansen |
Karina | Krivitchenko |
Marley | Kyle |
Lydia | Lanning |
Jocelyn | Layton |
Danielle | Ledgerwood |
Caitlyn | Liska |
Kaydance | Litton |
Rachel | Mac Kenzie |
Kiana | Massie |
Elyse | Matlick |
Kinsley | Mattingly |
Skyler | Maynor |
Makenna | McClain |
Megan | McDonald |
McAla | McManus |
Makayla | McVay |
Julia | Mergen |
Casey | Miles |
Heidi | Milsark |
Natalie | Mindra |
Madison | Moore |
Paige | Murphy |
James | Murry |
Rebekah | Neff |
Andy | Nguyen |
Payton | Norris |
Bradley | Odgers |
Joshua | Odom |
Rylee | Ortiz |
Emma | Owens |
Theresa | Palazzolo |
Stacey | Palmer |
Reggie | Parks |
Ava | Patterson |
Emily | Percival |
Grace | Perkins |
Molly | Perkins |
Melanie | Peterson |
Bailey | Peterson |
Jessica | Phillips |
Alexia | Phipps |
Kiara | Pilkinton |
Elaina | Pingel |
Zoe | Pippin |
Sean | Poppe |
Hannah | Price |
Hector | Quintana Salinas |
Alyssa | Ramos |
Sarah | Rankin |
Katelyn | Reilly |
Jeremy | Rice |
Trenton | Rich |
Jessica | Richards |
Emily | Robbins |
Mackenzie | Robinson |
Sunnie | Roderique |
Ashley | Rodriguez |
Shelby | Rogers |
Edith | Rojas |
Morgan | Rollins |
Trinity | Roop |
Meredith | Rupp |
Mixtly | Salas |
Sasha | Santiago |
Sasha | Samsinak |
Faith | Sando |
Bridget | Sartain |
Kelsie | Satterfield |
Ellie | Schmidgall |
Joe | Sellers |
Amanda | Simpson |
Caleb | Smith |
Kyleigh | Smith |
Jordyn | Smith |
Hailey | Smith |
Kassandra | Smith |
Joshua | Solomon |
Karleigh | Spence |
Mason | Staley |
Mykalia | Stearns |
Jessica | Steward |
Sydney | Stock |
Morgan | Stoecklein |
Katelyn | Stokes |
Hailey | Sturdevant |
Rosalind | Swanson |
Shelby | Swigart |
Kelsi | Tandy |
Heather | Tate-Haverstick |
Caitlyn | Tatum |
Cherie | Teaford |
Catherine | Thapa |
Ashlyn | Thomas |
Trisha | Thornton |
Logan | Tolliver |
Danielle | Tubbs |
Macie | Turner |
Kori | Umphenour |
Beverlyann | Valdez |
Daniel Andre | Valentino |
Hanna | Verch |
Grace | Vincze |
Raven | Voss |
Kaitlyn | Vote |
Rebecca | Wallace |
Carle | Ward |
Whitney | Weaver |
Bryan | Webb |
Bri | Wegner |
Natalie | Weiler |
Michelle | Wells-Cloud |
Amanda | White |
Samuel | Williams |
Brailon | Williams |
Bailey | Willis |
London | Wilson |
Hannah | Wilson |
Kenna | Wise |
Adwin | Wong |
Joan | Yang |
Megan | Young |
Sabrina | Young |
Brandalyn | Zabel |