Institutional Effectiveness
Cox College is dedicated to institutional effectiveness.
At Cox College, assessment of student learning is a priority. As educators of the next generation of healthcare professionals, it is our responsibility to demonstrate to students and their future employers that we are providing students with the necessary skills and knowledge to be successful. It is incumbent upon us to collect meaningful and relevant data and then use that data to continuously improve the academic programs at Cox College. As demonstrated in the model below, improvement is a continuous process at both college-wide and programmatic levels.
General Education Assessment
The General Education Program at Cox College is designed to provide students with an opportunity to enhance their capacity for intellectual inquiry and discovery, critical reasoning, and effective communication. These abilities are essential to assisting all students to become lifelong learners and provide them with the opportunity to be successful in their chosen fields. The goal of General Education assessment is to measure student learning outcomes for general education so continuous improvements to student learning can be made.
General Education assessment is the responsibility of the General Education chair and faculty members. Each of the four General Education Outcomes are threaded throughout the General Education courses. The General Education faculty, in collaboration with their program chair, designate learning activities that are specific to a given outcome and have been identified as a tool for the analysis of student learning. The faculty and chair then identify an expected level of achievement for each learning activity. The map below demonstrates which of the four General Education Outcomes are evaluated in each course.
The General Education Outcomes are analyzed by the General Education faculty and chair every other year and recommendations are made for course improvement. The General Education program is then evaluated every four years as part of the Internal Review process within the Institutional Effectiveness Council at Cox College.
Cox College General Education Learning Outcomes
- Students will communicate effectively in written and oral forms
- Students will think critically, using analytical logical reasoning
- Students will utilize scientific inquiry
- Students will consider philosophical and/or ethical perspectives
Programmatic Assessment
Robust Programmatic Assessment has long been a hallmark of Cox College. This has become the foundation for what is becoming a strong General Education Assessment Process. Based on programmatic accreditation requirements, the faculty of each program have developed and continues to utilize ongoing assessment of programmatic outcomes for curricular improvements.
Retention, Persistence, and Graduation Rates
Cox College's retention, persistence, and graduation rates can be found here.
First time licensure pass rates and completion rates
Cox College's first time licensure pass rates for all of our programs compared to the national averages can be found here.
Our completion rates for each program can be found here.