New Cox College alumni center to bear the name of one lucky alum

As Cox College’s renovation begins this fall, a new Alumni Center will be created. Thanks to the CoxHealth Foundation, this room will bear the name of one lucky alum.   If you would like the opportunity to have the Alumni Center named for you or your class, the Alumni Room Raffle is your chance. The…

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Number of male nurses on the rise

Story by Rhonda Amore The nursing profession is experiencing a noticeable demographic shift. Males are becoming nurses at increasing rates as evidenced in top news magazines, including The Wall Street Journal and USA Today. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the percentage of male RN’s has increased threefold, rising from 2.7% in 1970 to 9.6%…

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Marsha Floyd feels blessed to combine two professions she loves; nursing and education

Times certainly have changed since Assistant Professor, Marsha Floyd, began her nursing education at Burge School of Nursing in 1977. As a diploma school, a heavy emphasis was placed on clinical education and students spent 3-4 days per week in the hospital. Most students lived in the dorm where first-year students had rooms on the…

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