Bridging Obstacles

Story by Kyle DeVries  Sharon Stephens is the Residency Coordinator at the Family Medical Care Center (FMCC) at Cox North Hospital. She had dreams of becoming a nurse, but the path to realizing this dream was laden with obstacles, the largest one being financial, in that she would be forced to give up her full-time…

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Mertie Jones was built to serve others

Story by Kyle DeVries  Born and raised in a very small town in southwest Missouri, Mertie’s parents had high expectations but provided a strong support system for both Mertie and her twin sister. She credits her parents as well as the responsibility and accountability she gained from working several jobs during her youth as a…

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Iesha Finley finds success at Cox College

Iesha Finley was raised on the West side of Chicago. She is the third of seven children born to a single mother living in a Hispanic ghetto. At the age of 16, Iesha was kicked out of the house. This significant event motivated her to begin a path to be the best and go as…

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Changing Attitudes

Story by Kyle DeVries  Like the drive that inspires students everywhere to study nursing, some things are innate, inexplicable. Something one understands about themselves and their greater purpose. For Pam Akihiro, a 1966 graduate of Burge School of Nursing, this purpose was to answer God’s call to go to Africa as a missionary. The strict…

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The Road to Cox College

Story by Lorraine Frazier  This decision to return to school was not taken lightly by Brad and Laurie Ermey.  Constrained by debt, but dreaming of attending nursing school together, the Ermey’s set out on a 4-year plan to save money as over-the-road drivers with Prime Trucking. “I’ve had a lot of medical experience in my…

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Higher Learning Commission to visit Cox College in September

Cox College is seeking comments from the public about the college in preparation for its periodic evaluation by its regional accrediting agency.  The college will host a visit on September 17, 2018 from a team of peer reviewers representing the Higher Learning Commission (HLC).  The team will review the institution’s ongoing ability to meet HLC’s…

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Lindsey Brockman is following in her family’s footsteps

Story by Eric Baker Lindsey Brockman is a Springfield, Missouri native who grew up surrounded by the health care professions. From an early age, she remembers making “the rounds” with her father, Dr. Don Brockman. Starting their day at the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU), they would peer through the windows at the smallest of…

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Cox College alumna named “Fittest Nurse on Earth”

Story by Kyle DeVries  Jessica Griffith, a 2013 Cox College graduate, was named the “Fittest Nurse on Earth” by the CrossFit Games Open in 2017. The open category is accessible for anyone in the world, and it categorizes scores by the competitors’ fields. In Jessica’s case, this meant competing against all of the other nurses…

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Canvas creates short film at Cox College

Cox College uses an online learning management system called Canvas to assist faculty with the organization of online classes. Students can find assignments, lectures and news on Canvas. Recently, Canvas released a new video platform called ARC Media, and Cox College has been one of the first institutions to incorporate it into the curriculum of…

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Canvas video team to visit Cox College

Canvas will be sending a video production team to Cox College on March 26 & 27. They will be creating a video to show how we use their new product, Arc Media. Check out this video to learn why we were selected!  

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