President’s List Fall 2022
In recognition of outstanding scholastic achievement, the following undergraduate students were placed on the President’s List for the Fall 2022 semester. To be eligible for the President’s List, students had to complete at least 8 credit hours at Cox College and earn a 3.50 GPA or greater. Congratulations from the staff and faculty of Cox…
Healthy Holiday Baking Swaps
This article was written by Lexie Buchman, a student in our Nutrition Diagnostics program. Baking sweets with friends and family around the holidays is a yearly tradition! This year, I implore all to explore different ingredient substitutions to boost your nutrition. After all, a vast part of baking is about being creative! Swapping specific…
Cox College Chronicle | November 2022
We hope you enjoyed some time away from work and classes for Thanksgiving. This season of the year reminds us how thankful we are for all of our students, staff, and faculty and the unique impact each has at Cox College. As we wind down the semester, we are looking forward to a month of…
Vitamin D and the immune system
This article was written by Rafailia Vogiatzis, a student in our Nutrition Diagnostics program. Watch out friends, winter is coming up! This means cold and flu season is creeping up on us. Our immune system is vital in stopping those pesky viruses, colds, or infections from taking over and causing us to get sick….
Cox College Chronicle | October 2022
CoxHealth achieves Magnet Status CoxHealth has earned Magnet status, the highest national and international honor a health care organization can receive for professional nursing practice that supports quality patient outcomes specifically influenced by registered nurses! The Springfield, MO hospitals are the first and only Magnet-designated facilities in the region. To achieve this designation is a…
Cox College Chronicle | September 2022
We’re already approaching the halfway point in the semester! That just does not seem possible. The halfway point of the semester also means fall break (October 10-14) is coming up soon. If you’re taking midterms, we are wishing you the best! Nursing Grant Cox College was selected to receive $269,793 in nursing grants according…
Fast Track Workforce Incentive Grant
What is the Fast Track Workforce Incentive Grant? The Missouri Department of Higher Education and Workforce Development has created the Fast Track Workforce Incentive Grant to help get hard-working people like you into important industries like nursing! This is a financial aid program that can provide significant assistance to adults who are looking to pursue…
Cox College Chronicle | August 2022
The semester is officially underway! The parking lot is full, the halls are bustling, and energy levels are high! We hope all of our students and faculty have an amazing semester. Cox College announces new BSN program Beginning in January 2023, we will launch the BSN Fast Track program! This innovative track allows students…
On-the-Go Breakfast for Busy Families
This article was written by first-year graduate students in Cox College’s Master of Science in Nutrition Diagnostics Program, Emilee Lantis and Hannah Ross. Mornings are a busy time for most of us. We barely give ourselves enough time to get ready before heading out the door, often not leaving enough time to eat breakfast….
Cox College Chronicle | July 2022
Summer is flying by! In just a couple of weeks, our students and faculty will return to campus for the start of another great semester. This place just isn’t as interesting without you! Here’s to a great fall semester. One more thing, please bring some cooler weather back with you. Admissions Application waiver period…