
President’s List Spring 2023

In recognition of outstanding scholastic achievement, the following undergraduate students were placed on the President’s List for the Spring 2023 semester. To be eligible for the President’s List, students had to complete at least 8 credit hours at Cox College and earn a 3.50 GPA or greater. Congratulations from the staff and faculty of Cox…


Cox College to host SW MO Health Education Mash Camp

Cox College is proud to be a hosting location for a Southwest Missouri Health Education Center Mash Camp! This event is for Springfield area high school students who are interested in learning more about health careers. Students will participate in many hands-on activities, connect with real healthcare professionals, and learn about various medical and health…


Cox College Chronicle | April 2023

April was a pretty quiet month news-wise, as students and employees are working hard to finish the semester strong. We’re officially less than two weeks away from graduation! For the next 10 days, we’ll be heads down and hammering away, but ready to celebrate on May 12.   1978 Burge Reunion This past weekend, 36…


How to get enough protein as a vegetarian

This article was written by Melissa Palabiyik, a student in our Dietetic Internship program. Melissa is graduating this spring and is interested in working in a clinical outpatient setting.  As plant-based nutrition is rising in popularity, the question on “where do you get your protein?” still remains. It is important to meet our protein needs…


Cox College Chronicle | March 2023

OTD program to launch in May 2023 We recently announced the first doctorate program in our 116-year history will begin at Cox College this May. The Occupational Therapy Doctorate (OTD) program is a nine-semester, hybrid program that will feature hands-on, skill-based practice, and online coursework. Included in the program are 24 weeks of level 2…


Cox College Chronicle | February 2023

BSN Fast Track program begins Our inaugural class of BSN Fast Track students have officially begun their program! The three honorary students are Morgan Burdett, Caleb Wiseman, and Zoe Bergant. Cox College’s BSN Fast Track program allows students to earn their Bachelor’s of Science in Nursing degree in as quickly as three years, and no…


Food n’ Fitness go Hand-n’-Hand

This article was written by Courtney Middle, a student in our Dietetic Internship program.   Nutrition can make or break your fitness goals and workout routines. How well or poorly the body is nourished can have an immense effect on the quality of your exercises and your overall physical health. A well-balanced diet is the…


Cox College Chronicle | January 2023

If you haven’t heard already, the most famous groundhog in the world, Punxsutawney Phil, saw his shadow on Thursday. If you subscribe to the weather predictions of a marmot, that means we have to endure six more weeks of winter. Sorry to break the bad news! We hope everyone stayed safe and warm this week….


A Berry Special Valentine!

This article was written by Twila Anderson, a student in our Nutrition Diagnostics program.    Berries have been described as ‘nature’s candy’ and there are major benefits to including them in your diet. Valentine’s Day is a perfect time to give berries a try and share with your loved one! Antioxidants In our day-to-day life…


Cox College Chronicle | December 2022

We ended 2022 on a happy note with graduation and other celebratory ceremonies. As the page turns to 2023, we embrace a fresh start. Here’s what happened in December!   Commencement On December 16, 138 Cox College students officially became health care professionals! Each journey was uniquely their own. It’s always a privilege to see…