
Cox College Chronicle | May 2021

Spring Commencement  Another successful graduation is in the books, and the next group of health care professionals are headed into the field. We had 203 students graduate this spring, and we sent them off with a memorable virtual graduation experience.  The graduates were showered with congratulations, as the Facebook video received over 500 comments from…


Cox College Chronicle | April 2021

“April showers bring May flowers” is a common phrase that’s often expressed this time of year. The frequent rainstorms are becoming a bit old, and we’re all ready for flowers and warm weather. However, we couldn’t have the beautiful flowers of May without the rain that April brought beforehand.  One could say the same about…


Changing the Course

Not everyone is cut out to be a nurse. It takes a special kind of person—someone with an uncommon desire to help others. Nurses often feel called to their profession, and sometimes one’s calling is revealed to them when they least expect it. Oluwatoyin Ade Awopetu was born in Lagos, Nigeria. Her childhood presented challenges…


Cox College Chronicle | March 2021

It was a busy month at Cox College! Let’s recap March.  Virtual Commencement We would love to be celebrating with our graduates in person together, but Cox College will be conducting spring commencement virtually again this semester. In accordance with local and CDC guidelines, we have decided a virtual graduation is in the best interest…


Virtual Resume Writing Workshops

The Student Resource Center is hosting virtual resume writing workshops! Join us for any of these three events this spring. The date of the workshop, as well as the zoom link and password is listed below. Thursday, 3/25 5PM  (Meeting ID: 947 8587 7860 Passcode: 507903) Monday, 3/29 6PM  (Meeting ID: 945 9825 2993…


Cox College Chronicle | February 2021

Who else is ready for springtime weather? That below zero stuff can stay in the past as far as we’re concerned. Other than brutally cold temperatures, here’s what happened in February! Nursing application deadline extended Due to a technical email issue our admissions team had, we are extending the nursing application deadline to March 8th!…


Cox College receives $2 million gift

Cox College received approximately $2 million from Mr. Art White to begin a second unrestricted endowment fund for the general needs of the institution. Mr. Art White sadly passed away in the last year, but left Cox College this incredibly generous gift in his estate. The funds will be allocated as follows: $350,000 to his…


Cox College Chronicle | January 2021

A brand new semester is underway at Cox College and, while the campus is still not at capacity yet, it’s starting to feel like we can see the light at the end of the tunnel. There is so much work left to do, but we are persevering together. There is something special about seeing familiar…


Primrose Perk expanding hours on Thursday Nights

Primrose Perk (Cox North location only) will be staying open until 6:30pm on Thursday nights beginning January 28. This change allows our students and faculty that are here during the evenings to get something to eat before class. Many of our students come straight from work and don’t have a chance to eat. We wanted…


Fall 2020 Dean’s List

In recognition of outstanding scholastic achievement, the following undergraduate students were placed on the Dean’s List for Fall 2020. To be eligible for the Dean’s List, students had to complete at least 8 credit hours at Cox College and earn a 3.50 GPA or greater. Congratulations from the staff and faculty of Cox College! Listed…